Churches and Cathedrals of Prague and Vienna

Churches and Cathedrals of Prague and Vienna

Don't know why this post isn't working properly (not displaying images) on mobile. No time to fix it, will have to wait. 🙂 Or, a tip: if you're on mobile, click on settings, and check "Desktop site" and you'll be able to see the pics.Loreto Sanctuary is a nice side...

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The Problem with Humility

The Problem with Humility

Image: Daniella K It's the hardest lesson to teach, and it's the one I just can't seem to get right... but teach it I must. After five years, I'm rereading Kristin Lavransdatter, and I still wanna smack her and hug her all at the same time. Such pride! The willfulness...

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Open Letter to Priests from Kevin Wells

Open Letter to Priests from Kevin Wells

Image: Ramses Sudiang //The paradoxical, brutal fruit of real romance – and Vianney knew this interior reality as intimately as anyone – is the daily and simple deaths for one’s lover. All the priest-saints knew this. Their vocation to edify, transform and save souls...

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In the Bleak Mid-Winter, Gustav Holst

In the Bleak Mid-Winter, Gustav Holst

Image: Christian Grab In the bleak mid-winter Frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, Water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on snow, Snow on snow, In the bleak mid-winter Long ago. Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him Nor earth sustain; Heaven and earth shall...

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The Grace of Not Being Enough

The Grace of Not Being Enough

Finally started working on this puzzle first Sunday of Advent. Bought it several years ago on Mel's suggestion. In November the hubby, the big kids, and I had the pleasure of attending Leah Libresco-Sargeant's talk on her book Building the Benedict Option (Amazon...

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What is Sainthood?

What is Sainthood?

Image: Steven Kamps I wrote this July 5 in response to a question at CTG, and so I'm posting here in hopes that its helpful for my kids and anyone else passing through: what is sainthood? humility humility humility. if you can figure out how to be little and hidden,...

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Advent Thoughts from Years Past

Advent Thoughts from Years Past

Image: Julian Hochgesang I was going through my unpublished drafts and came across these two, so I'm publishing now as part of my digital decluttering efforts: Unfinished Draft From 2011: Two weeks ago I finally tackled the kitchen island that hasn't been decluttered...

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Notes on Integrative Oncology

Notes on Integrative Oncology

Image: timJ I'm reading Cancer Secrets (Amazon associate link) right now by Dr. Jonathan Stegall and it's really speaking to me. He's a Christian so his worldview matches mine. I've only read the intro and the beginning of the first chapter but I can tell I'm going to...

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A Cancer Diary

A Cancer Diary

Before I begin, let me say that I have NOT been officially diagnosed with breast cancer. I've had some troubling symptoms, and got a thermogram November 8. Image: Kien Do Here's an article on breast thermography. Got the results on November 22 and my left breast is at...

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Charity Amid Confusion

Charity Amid Confusion

Image: Andrew Neel Confusion is not of God, we know this. The question is, how do we respond to it? Our best example, as with most things, can be found in Mary. At the Annunciation, did Mary understand everything? No. But she knew enough to say yes. She had the basics...

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Updated: Hope for the Church

Updated: Hope for the Church

As long as we have men like Alexander Tschugguel in the Church, we have hope. It wasn't a spur of the moment decision, it took discernment and wisdom. Thank God for courageous men like him. In the previous post I said that I...

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Is It Mama Mary?

Is It Mama Mary?

One of these things is not like the others.... But if we're the least bit uncomfortable about the difference, we're told it's only because of our "Western sensibilities". Okay then. Here's a compilation of Marian apparitions/images of popular devotion, and the places...

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What I Wish I’d Known

What I Wish I’d Known

Image: Rebecca Peterson-Hall SAVING GRACE you don't do it for yourself you don't do it for your kids you don't do it for your husband you don't do it for company you do it for God God sees God hears God knows even when no one does even when no one understands or...

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Revisiting the HP Dilemma: What’s A Parent to do?

Revisiting the HP Dilemma: What’s A Parent to do?

Sea of books. Currently reorganizing the collection; the Literature section will eventually be sorted by author. I hesitated writing this post for my friend because almost every single discussion I've seen or been in online about HP eventually devolved into personal...

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Divine Providence

Divine Providence

I know so many people who would have a problem with this.  To me it's the only explanation that makes sense, and I find much peace in it. ***** Divine Wisdom, says Holy Scripture, “reacheth … from end to end mightily and ordereth all things sweetly” (Wisdom...

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