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The Mighty Broccoli

The Mighty Broccoli

We're about halfway through Lent and I thought it would be a great time to feature some meatless recipes here. I...

Meatless Soups for Lent

Meatless Soups for Lent

Suzanne over at the forum bumped up Nancy's old thread on meatless soups, so I'm putting together a compilation of old...

Sunday Reverie

It's been a fairly relaxed Sunday around here... slept in, had a leisurely brunch since I had cooked the chicken last...

Grain-Free Muffins

Grain-Free Muffins

from Meals that Heal Inflammation Recipe can be found here. But here's my adaptation: Preheat oven to 300 degrees....

This Week’s Menu

Still some things left undone from last week's menu, so doing those first and then adding these to this week's lineup:...

New Gluten-Free Menu

New Gluten-Free Menu

I've just finished putting together a 31-day gluten-free menu for us. NO WHEAT, NO OATS, NO BARLEY, NO RYE. Some...