We're about halfway through Lent and I thought it would be a great time to feature some meatless recipes here. I...
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Meatless Soups for Lent
Suzanne over at the forum bumped up Nancy's old thread on meatless soups, so I'm putting together a compilation of old...
Sunday Reverie
It's been a fairly relaxed Sunday around here... slept in, had a leisurely brunch since I had cooked the chicken last...
Murphy’s Law: Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer
Yesterday, Valentine's Day, was as horrible as it could possibly be. This happens every Lent, like clockwork. If you...
Grain-Free Muffins
from Meals that Heal Inflammation Recipe can be found here. But here's my adaptation: Preheat oven to 300 degrees....
Braised Fresh Ham, Szechwan Style
Feeds a family of 7, easy. For at least 2 meals. Perhaps more if you accompany with rice or steamed bread and LOTS of...
My Go-To Pizza Crust
Adapted from
This Week’s Menu
Still some things left undone from last week's menu, so doing those first and then adding these to this week's lineup:...
New Gluten-Free Menu
I've just finished putting together a 31-day gluten-free menu for us. NO WHEAT, NO OATS, NO BARLEY, NO RYE. Some...