from Fr. Bonaventure of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. To quote: The education of children is a very...
Search Results
Saint Anthony and the Christ Child
Chapter 1 Vocabulary list for Migi, 9: Portuguese armory entertaining magistrate beautiful laughter doublet fierce...
Reads of the Day
Chesterton on Home Schooling Why Shakir Can't Read (H/T Crunchy Con Rod Dreher)
And “Everything” Is Alright Again in California… at least for now.
A Great Victory for California Homeschoolers Thank you, Henry Cate
New Additions to This Year’s Curriculum, So Far
for Paco, but Aisa may also use it after graduation -- I dropped the ball on formal Logic and Philosophy studies a...
Homeschooling and The Call to Brilliance
Especially appropriate since today is Independence Day. Real education, real learning is about the freedom to become...
Cute Song from Le Papillon
Last year, the family enjoyed a French movie called Le Papillon. There are a few adult-themed moments in the movie; we...
California, Homeschooling, Unalienable Rights
For Aisa, American Government credits, discussion, possible paper... the 4Real thread that has all the links but I'd...
Links and a Recipe
Baby Poems over at Martha's, Yes They're All Ours! The American Mathematics Competitions MathCounts Latin Spell...