for Paco, but Aisa may also use it after graduation — I dropped the ball on formal Logic and Philosophy studies a couple of years back. After doing Angelicum Academy’s Harry Stottlemeier, we used several books from The Critical Thinking Company. I wasn’t confident enough in my own ability to teach logic, but the Traditional Logic books (and subsequent books) look really good. I’m excited again. And mom’s excitement sometimes can make or break a particular course of study!

… primariliy to help us out with our Henle Latin studies. We finished Latina Christiana 1 & 2 last year) and have moved on with Henle, but the going has been sloooooow….. I’m hoping the study guide will put me back in the right frame of mind to tackle learning and teaching Latin at the same time. Greek has been put off for a bit…. but maybe we can do it as a fun study while we’re in Italy next year.

Yay, a history spine we can be excited about again! For the past several years, we’ve been using The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia for our spine, with various living books as supplements. But it’s been dry and dragging recently…. I think having the book almost in tatters doesn’t help. At least it’s been well-loved. But it is time for a change, and I’ve been looking forward to using this book from the Catholic Schools Textbook Project.

I’ve been doing the planning and buying piecemeal for the upcoming schoolyear. The pregnancy virtually stopped all formal schooling the past couple of months. Thank goodness we school year round or we’ll never catch up. So now I still have to send in the assessment tests, put together the kids’ portfolios, overhaul the study (argh, started in March and currently at a standstill), and THEN do our planning right after… at this rate, we’ll be back to normal schedule by… hmmm…. October 😀 . But hey, that’s why we’re homeschoolers, right? We make up our own schedules. And anyway, the senior is still planning to graduate by August. I can’t imagine the feeling — being DONE with a schoolyear just as we’re beginning… LOL. Should be fun. I’m not sure how the younger ones will like that. DD-17 will be planning her graduation party while they have to work-work-work…