Aisa and I have been working on High School of Your Dreams. She’s picked her texts and I’ve ordered most of them. We...
Search Results
Yena’s Birthday Cake
An old pic I've been meaning to post here. Yena turned 4 last December, but I didn't have time to make her cake until...
Yena, etc.
Yena's not a baby anymore. No, there's no denying it. I miss her being a baby, though I love her more by the day (just...
Setting Up a Wireless Home Network System
Setting up a wireless, cable-internet network, from google answers routers with price information at Top 5...
Toddler Property Laws
Just saw this on Angie's blog and thought it was the funniest thing. This is TOTALLY Yena, though she is quickly...
Goodbye, My Kitchen, Goodbye….
Everything's packed.... save for a few dishes and cooking utensils that I'm still using. Putting the camp stove to...
New Year’s Resolutions
Image: Ian Schneider I will never blow into the grinder to clean it after using it for spices again. Or at least not...
January 2006 Update
The past couple of weeks were spent, again, in a hotel. This afternoon we head back to PA, stopping halfway in...
Mozart, the Sweet Composer
Image: Seri Our homeschooling group has chosen Mozart as Composer of the Month, so I've been doing some sleuthing....