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GTD For Kids

GTD For Kids

The last few weeks I've been re-applying the lessons I learned from David Allen's Getting Things Done. I have managed...

Musings for Aisa

Well, Ais, since I've missed more than a week already, this will be more like another brain dump. I know you don't...

Blogging for Aisa, Day 2

It's actually 1:34 am as I write this. I wasn't planning on writing it 'til this morning around 6:30, but Nino...

Blogging for Aisa, Day 1

So here you go, as promised. I was so gung-ho getting this started this morning, and then I made the mistake of...

This Week’s Menu

Still some things left undone from last week's menu, so doing those first and then adding these to this week's lineup:...