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Till We Have Faces 2021
I just finished rereading Till We Have Faces, which I first read in 2015, and which I wrote about here. Six years...
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
O ever immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy, health of the sick, refuge of sinners, comfort of the afflicted, you know...
The Angelus in Poetry, Art, and Prayer
Recently in doing some research for the young adult novel I'm working on, I stumbled across a quote from Van Gogh:...
Just Introvert Stuff
Compiling stuff here from around the 'net. 🙂 I may add thoughts later.
Gaining A Daily Plenary Indulgence
Source: Baltimore Catechism Several years ago, friends and I were discussing how to get to heaven, and I commented...
Person of Color, But Child of the Father First
I’m not white and I’m not black. Perhaps I should just shut up and let people sort things out for themselves? What can...
The Real Presence | The Jerusalem Catecheses
#TheRealPresence From the Jerusalem Catecheses The bread of Heaven and the cup of salvation On the night he was...
Churches and Cathedrals of Prague and Vienna
Don't know why this post isn't working properly (not displaying images) on mobile. No time to fix it, will have to...