I was at Costco today and while passing the magazine rack the cover of The Economist caught my eye. Quickly perused...
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ChocBanOatCranWal Cookies
ChocBanWalCranOatChocWalBanCranOatCranWalBanChocOatBanChocWalOatCranWalChocCranBanOatWalCran..... fuhgeddaboudit. Made...
Higher Learning Indeed
Higher Learning? by Anne Hendershott As the mom of a college student (and more coming in just a few years), I keep my...
Where I’ve Been (reading list)
Mother’s Last Skin-to-Skin Goodbye Saves her 20 oz Baby Bush Quietly Saved a Million African Lives What Do You Want,...
US House Health Care Bill Online
The whole document can be found here. And you have guys like these, who think it's too long to plow through, and...
I Got Owned. Or Two Points in Two Days.
If you want an explanation of the title, ask my kids. I don't know exactly what that means. Except my 18-yo kept...
Twenty-Five Years Ago
Reagan wrote this unsolicited article for Human Life Review on Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation. Oh Lord, how...
Call to INaction: Boycott the Nov. 22nd-23rd Collection for CHD
Don't put anything in this weekend's envelope for CHD. Some people are putting acorns in, 'though I don't see that...
Ora et Labora: The Work Part
Praying is only the first step. Now we focus on what needs to be done. For starters Sign the Petition to Fight FOCA....