2 tablespoons coconut oil 2 tablespoons minced garlic 1-inch gingerroot, peeled, minced (optional) 12 ounces...
Search Results
I Think I Finally Know: Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer
Pages 82-84. ... the gospel ideal of "one mind" cannot be forced. Nor does it arise out of the blue because good...
Humility and a Shared Vision: Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer
Continuing to read Fr. Thomas Dubay's Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer. Pages The second main root of conflict is seldom...
The Mighty Broccoli
We're about halfway through Lent and I thought it would be a great time to feature some meatless recipes here. I...
From Selfishness to Simon of Cyrene: Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer
Yesterday, my young adult daughter had to face a tremendous cross of her own. I tried to be as strong as I could be...
“Make Yourself a Capacity, and I Will Make Myself a Torrent”: Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer
Nor do all couples fight -- many do and a few do not. What is hellish are marriages in which the spouses are not...
Meatless Soups for Lent
Suzanne over at the forum bumped up Nancy's old thread on meatless soups, so I'm putting together a compilation of old...
His Grace is Sufficient: Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer
Saint John of the Cross uses the sevenfold imagery of Saint Teresa's mansions. Interesting that these are the two...
Getting to Know God: Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer
More scraps of meditation while rereading: Page 32. stripped of [their] belongings, knowing that [they] owned...