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Migi’s Reads, December ’09 – March ’10 #1
I am way behind on documenting the children's books! So this will be a dump post, including everyting they've read...
Our New Library
Image: David Yung ... is open. It's beautiful! Spacious and sunny, layout well thought out, filled with books and...
Where I’ve Been (reading list)
Mother’s Last Skin-to-Skin Goodbye Saves her 20 oz Baby Bush Quietly Saved a Million African Lives What Do You Want,...
I Got Owned. Or Two Points in Two Days.
If you want an explanation of the title, ask my kids. I don't know exactly what that means. Except my 18-yo kept...
Shameless Bragging
Since this is my blog, I'm allowed to brag once in a while, right? I also post this as an encouragement to myself and...
Simplified Homeschooling for Advent
Image: Juan Encalada I am officially TIRED. Starting today and until baby's here and we've recovered, here's our...
Food, Humor, Organization, and Gift Ideas
Luxury for Mom: Started off the early morning with 1/4 cup of Mariebelle Aztec Hot Chocolate... just enough for me to...
“I don’t understand, but I will hope”
I have no words of my own, as my heart is still too full to speak, but I echo Jennifer's: So I don't understand, but I...