Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness (Rethinking College 3)
Our Declaration of Independence says life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are our God-given rights, and yet we make many choices today that seem to invalidate that claim. Our government isn't exactly protecting these rights any more either, but that's another...
Dear Mainstream Media, We Know What You’re Doing
Today my feed was inundated with Pope Francis supposedly relaxing the rules on abortion. Except that's not quite accurate. He didn't relax the rules on ABORTION per se -- it's STILL considered a sin in the Catholic Church -- always has been, always will be. We already...
Let’s Talk Submission, Part 3: Last Thoughts
Let's Talk Submission: Part 1 Let's Talk Submission Part 2: Some Practical Suggestions I'd like to go back to some women's concerns about their husband's inability or unwillingness to lead, and ways to help with that. Try writing out a family mission statement. That...
Let’s Talk Submission, Part 2: Some Practical Suggestions
Let's Talk Submission: Part 1 Let's Talk Submission Part 3: Last Thoughts We can do a lot towards rebuilding the husband's role in our marriages: We need to stop being control-freaks (speaking to myself here really) and let men take the lead whenever possible....
Let’s Talk Submission (Part 1)
Let's Talk Submission Part 2: Some Practical Suggestions Let's Talk Submission Part 3: Last Thoughts Last week, a friend asked me if I had a blog post on submission. She asked,"Does that mean we (women) don't get to have opinions?" I promised her a more detailed...
What the 6-year-old is Reading Now
A friend with little ones asked me about reading recommendations for her 6-7 year olds, so I thought I'd give her a list of what our 6.5-year-old is reading right now. Hope this helps, J! Life of Fred Decimals and Percents - his big sister's book, but he's reading it...
Introducing: Patron Comics
Horror Fatigue, Desensitization, Escape, Responsibility
Fr. Dwight makes a sad observation here. I agree. It's also desensitization. When you see violence all over the place, real and unreal (video games, movies, TV) it's easy for everything to just become one huge blur. And I think (analyzing some of my friends' responses...
Our Homeschooling Story, Part 2, and Favorite Sources
Part 1 is here. And so our journey began anew. As I mentioned in the previous post, I found an awesome online support group: Catholic Charlotte Mason (aka CCM -- they still exist, if you would like to join). I also had the local support group plus several other...
Dear Young Adults, Go To Ecclesia
[This is a guest post from my daughter Aisa, just back from her time at Ecclesia.] Ask yourself this question, and answer it honestly: If you were stuck in a group of fifty people for five weeks, by the end of five weeks, would you be friends with everyone? Would you...
Our Homeschooling Story, Part 1
[Reposting from something I wrote in 2013.] This blog post is being written in response to a request from our dear friends E&C, who are embarking on a new journey to homeschool their children. I thought it was an opportune time to answer their questions...
Till We Have Faces: The Unmasking of Planned Parenthood
Last week I finally finished reading CS Lewis' Till We Have Faces. Lewis' own favorite out of his works, this novel takes us along on the journey of a soul, from the prison of selfishness into the freedom of truth. I saw much of Orual in myself, and like Orual I hope...
Sex Education Is How We Got to “Body Parts”
Let's get something straight right off the bat here. I am not a proponent of abstinence education though I respect my fellow parents' choice to take that route. Nor am I saying that children shouldn't get sex education at all. I'm saying that right now, and for the...
The Future Church: Truth Has a Way of Getting Out
I am both hopeful and despairing when I think of where America is today and where she's going in terms of the faith. On the one hand I am very much encouraged by what I see as a burgeoning men's movement, which can only lead to good things. Authentic Catholic men...
If The Shoe Fits (Laudato Si’ )
Laudato Si' seems to have been buried under all the hubbub from the SCOTUS decision on same sex "marriage".... so I'm just now catching up with commentaries and reactions to Laudato Si', after finally finishing the encyclical, which can be found here, if you haven't...