The past few years we've tried to simplify our lives as we approach the Christmas season -- and I think that each year...
Search Results
Shopping with a Conscience
Just compiling links here. Gift-buying is coming up again and this year we'd really like to support local...
King’s Island, Garden Planning, Night at the Museum
- watched Night at the Museum Saturday night -- what fun! And surprisingly, clean language! My only objection is that...
On to Next Actions….
The study is now almost completely organized. There are a couple of shelves left to go through but they're mostly in...
Down to 18.
Inbox that is. Seeing the light at the end of this tunnel. More tunnels to go through.
Testing new server
testing new server Dashboard fixed. Can't post 10 minutes ago, can post now. Can't FTP yet. Individual posts not...
I've got 759 in my inbox now. That may not be a big deal to anyone, but I haven't seen the bottom of my e-mail inbox...
Boy, I feel like a new person. The past few weeks have been filled with changes for me and the family. Not major...
My New Planning System
Okay, we got all the components today and made up our planners. Hooray!! I'm putting a list here of everything that we...