Lately this has been weighing heavily on my mind. And I want to write it down here because I'd like to look back in a...
Search Results
Reliving the Days
So today someone sent me a link to old cartoons at YouTube, including some that I watched as a child of 10: Voltes V,...
Products We Use
I've received some inquiries about the products that we use since we have allergies in the family, so I thought I'd...
Wow…. just…. wow.
Contemplate with me: Food for Design Fascinating stuff, that. Specific things that caught my eye: pasta light --...
Prayer requests
Nancy's godbaby Maggie - surgery 9:20Joseph and mom Cheryl - fluid in hip jointErica and her parentshomeschool dad in...
Watch Out, Bacteria, the Viruses (Virii?) Are Out To Get You
Image from MicrobeWiki. What now? A virus mix injected into food to kill Listeria. I wonder what they're calling this...
Just thought I'd say hi here. Sorry I haven't been updating this blog much. Been busy with end-of-year stuff and...
Self-Publishing Option, etc. Advice for Authors Rates (Editors)
Gardening in the Shade
For next year, planning: I intend to have 4 beds in the sun by next spring. But if I run out of space there, these are...