Lisa at Joyful Chaos had the awesome idea of hosting "Thankful Thursdays" this month, inspired by Kristina's post!...
Search Results
The Third Commandment: Observing the Sabbath
from the USCCB at 4Real: Sundays at Your House
Hubby’s Home
Just wanted to post a short note here for those waiting for an update. Hubby's home, but we're not quite out of the...
Skylab Food
These are pictures I took at the National Museum of the United States Air Force in August. The kids and I thought the...
Ordered the bulbs today.
From Brent and Becky's. 10 Crocus vernus - 'Remembrance' 10 Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation' 1 Fritillaria -...
Allergy-Unfriendly Places, Like the Hospital
Warning. This is a bit of a rant. Hubby's at the hospital right now. He had outpatient surgery Thursday but by Friday...
b5media News
b5media Inc. Raises $2 Million Cool. Very cool. I'm a happy camper.
Jeff has finally done it.
SliceNY is mirroring Jeff's site which has crashed, but to give you a preview, Jeff has been working on replicating...
Someone posted at the 4Real forums about the documentary "Into the Silence". You can watch the trailer here. There's...