Tags: growing up, sibling rivalry, ezra-jack-keats, preschool, read-alouds, picture books
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Schedules, Chore Charts, Lesson Plans
I thought I'd post these download links here for anyone interested in finding out how we plan our days and weeks. This...
Life Science/Biology/Human Body
Putting together a unit study for May. First read this: The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guidelines for...
Fun Reads
This post is supposed to go to the homeschooling section of the blog, but there's probably something wrong with how...
Schooling at Home
Schooling at Home by Sally Thomas Wow, so many great articles about the homeschooling lifestyle lately! A sampling: At...
A Tribute to Homeschooling Mothers Everywhere
from John Mark Reynolds at The Scriptorium My favorite parts: [snip] home school mothers. These women represent...
They keep it in a little sack with your name on it.
I wish I could tell Migi exactly that. My poor cute 8-year-old. Last year, when we moved back here, the boys opened...
Composer of the Month: Anton Bruckner
Sampler of Motets Composer of the Month is determined by the ladies at 4real. Thanks, Helen! Original thread, with...
William Adolphe Bouguereau
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