For Aisa, American Government credits, discussion, possible paper... the 4Real thread that has all the links but I'd...
Search Results
Links and a Recipe
Baby Poems over at Martha's, Yes They're All Ours! The American Mathematics Competitions MathCounts Latin Spell...
This Morning’s Language Lesson
Celebrating the Semicolon in a Most Unlikely Location New Dictionary Highlights Nazi Words to Avoid (what do you think...
Decluttering, Again
Image: Sarah Brown It's the Third Week of Lent, and we have not made much progress on our goal to PURGE, PURGE, PURGE....
Learning the Liturgy of the Hours
One of the things I promised myself to do this Lenten season is to learn how to pray the Divine Office. As a poorly...
Another MHBB possibility
Anne in Oz keeps her hubby healthy with these herby salads. I've seen many of these mentioned in Prescription for...
MHBB 07 February 2008
1 and 2. Rice noodles tossed with Szechwanese meat sauce (leftover from Fat Tuesday) 3. pineapple chunks 4. sliced...
MHBB for 04 Feb 08
1. Leftover chili from Superbowl Sunday Dinner 2. Rice 3. Carrot sticks and apple slices 4. Mixed greens with...
Ground Meat Recipes
One of the moms at 4Real asked for ground beef recipes, so I thought I'd put several simple ones here -- not really...