for Paco, 12. Vocabulary Chapter 1: Patriarch Mediterranean predecessor previous judgment incense amphitheater...
Search Results
Saint Meinrad Catholic Story Coloring Book
Vocabulary for Yena, 6. Chapter 1. one year there great castle what twelve name more about
Saint Anthony and the Christ Child
Chapter 1 Vocabulary list for Migi, 9: Portuguese armory entertaining magistrate beautiful laughter doublet fierce...
See How It Works
For Aisa, to go with your American Government studies.
Honoring St. Augustine (and his mom)
"Our hearts were made for Thee, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in Thee." "Sero te amavi pulchritudo tam...
Reads of the Day
Chesterton on Home Schooling Why Shakir Can't Read (H/T Crunchy Con Rod Dreher)
Above My Pay Grade?
Wow. I don't get paid for what I do. Not monetarily anyway. But there are MANY MANY things I certainly would NOT...
New Movie to Watch!
Henry Poole is Here Recommended by several Catholic groups! Argh. Our list is getting longer. Good problem though ;)...
Choosing a Catholic College / University, an Open Letter
Attend any university you want that fulfills your academic needs, but if you choose a Catholic university BECAUSE you...