Hi, my name is Stef. Welcome to my little space on the interwebs — it’s somewhat cluttered, much like my real life space, and I’m always tweaking here and there…but you’re welcome anytime!
For starters….
I’ve been online since ~2002, when I started out at LiveJournal. Switched to food blogging at dujour.blogspot.com, then switched to MovableType, and then my old website stefoodie.net, which I let expire in 2006 and no longer own/run. In 2006 I saw that we (our family as well as society) needed to focus more on gratefulness/blessings, so andtheseThygifts.com was born. “And these Thy gifts” is a phrase taken from the Table Blessing (see below), and though it obviously applies to food, it applies to all other areas of our lives as well.
I’ve written for AboutWeblogs, b5media and Creative Weblogging (all now defunct), Patheos (all content migrated here), and Filipinos for Life, plus a few other places on the web and in print. Currently I’m one of the editors for PinayVoices.

The Table Blessing
Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Benedic domine nos et haec Tua dona largitate sumus sumpturi per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
I am a Catholic homeschooling mom of 5, ages 15-32, so we are in our last years of homeschooling. Hubby and I have been married ~34 years. Much of what you’ll see here are snippets of our daily life as well as topics/projects I’m passionate about.

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