Forgot to mention that DD16 and I attended the symphony last week. Loved the assistant conductor. He was weird and funny and utterly fascinating all at the same time. Had the baby shower for B&E Saturday.

Co-op pickup today. My favorites this month: Aura Cacia’s Candy Cane Essential Oil — I don’t know yet what I’ll do with it, maybe use it when we make candles…. or blend it into my homemade all-natural spray cleaners…. It smells so good!!! And a bargain at $2.99. That, and the natural cooking twine and cheesecloth that were both on sale at the buying club. I just wish some people would order some organic dried cranberries as dd16 loves them so much and they are much too expensive to buy 25# all by ourselves.

Yesterday placed our order with Becky Hill at Pat’s Pastured Pork — yay, the healthy stuff. I get the lard too if the processors won’t put anything in it. I asked for everything FRESH so I can do my own curing of hams, bacons, sausages, etc. So I get it a bit cheaper too. I haven’t made ham in a while, and I’ve never made my own bacon, so this should be fun. And oooh…. lard for hopia…. yum. Maybe even a lardy pie crust for a black walnut pie….

Speaking of which…. the kids gathered up 200+ black walnuts from the yard today. With the help of the neighbors’ kids too. Heee…. I told the boys they couldn’t play until they did that chore. 😀

Pulled out the tomatoes today. And the basil, which looks like it may survive indoors this winter. Will see.

DD16 helped me with the garlic and onion plot; she put the rest of the organic soil in. I planted 56 garlic!!! Tomorrow I’m doing the onions, and the kids will help with the Princess Victoria tulips, the Sarah Bernhardt peony and the leftover daffs and tiger lilies. I’m also getting an ivy plant from Freecycle that I’ll try to raise as a houseplant. It’s about time we got some green in the house again. I haven’t had a proper houseplant since 1993. How is it possible to inherit your mom’s green thumb for outdoor plants and yet be a certified killer of houseplants?

Another question: Why do people buy Jaguars and drive at 30mph on a 45mph speed limit street, on the left lane???

Last question: When did “dogma” become a bad word? Or “religion”, for that matter?