From The Root of All Evil:

We should be passionate about many things below — but is our zeal for health, love, kids, education, job, financial security truly a function of our zeal for loving God and doing his will? Where do we seek our ultimate satisfaction and security? In these temporal things (even people) that pass away, or in God who is forever? What do we look forward to more . . . our next promotion or heaven?

From A New Breed of Women Challenges Feminist Orthodoxy:

The claim that pro-choice advocates have a corner on compassion is belied by the reality of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers that offer women food, shelter, clothing and emotional support. These centers, for which state support was solidified under the new law, serve women abandoned by a society that considers pregnancy a woman’s choice — and a woman’s problem. [snip] Women are beginning to question the feminist establishment’s reduction of the abortion debate to a zero sum game that pits a mother’s welfare against that of her unborn child. Although most feminists portray abortion as a liberating choice, groups such as Feminists for Life challenge this idea by noting that most women choose abortion because they lack resources and social support. [snip] This pro-life, pro-woman message has attracted a strong following among young women who consider opposition to abortion a crucial component of defending women’s dignity. Their views have precedent: Early American feminists such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton considered abortion a form of degradation too often pushed on women by men seeking to dodge responsibility.

And a must read: Morality without norms is product of distortion of sin, warns Argentinean archbishop

I had my heart broken today by a blog post and the comments that followed it. I will not link to it because there’s nothing edifying about it. Just a lot of judgments pronounced, fierce attacks on people that the commenters didn’t know personally, fierce attacks on a religion that they think they understand but don’t…. this is exactly why I don’t blog-hop much these days, except for those blogs like the 4real moms or my trusted blogs (see sidebar)… those that possibly present opposing views to mine, in a way that is respectful of the reader. I don’t know why Filipinos do this. I don’t understand why we can’t seem to rise above it. Not one person mentioned love, or humility, or “innocent until proven guilty”… or how being Christian means setting aside our prejudices to try and see the people behind their respective masks … it’s heartbreaking to witness my fellow Pinoys fight over a purse full of loose change, when there’s a treasure chest filled with gold nearby, just waiting to be discovered…. why, why do we do this? When will it end?

It was St. Ignatius’ gentle reprimand that helped some to quiet my mind:

In face of their outbursts of wrath be meek, in face of their boastful words be humble, meet their revilings with prayers, where they are in error, be steadfast in the faith, in face of their fury be gentle. Be not eager to retaliate upon them. Let our forbearance prove us their brethren. Let us endeavour to be imitators of the Lord, striving who can suffer the greater wrong, who can be defrauded, who be set at naught, that no rank weed of the Devil be found in you. But in all purity and sobriety abide in Christ Jesus in flesh and in spirit.

– The Epistles of St. Ignatius, Vol. 1