We’ve been using

for almost a year and have really enjoyed learning with it — everyone participates from the youngest to the oldest. It’s the 4th Latin program we’ve tried and the most successful! We don’t like the audio CD though… shhhh…. but WE LOVE which has the same songs as in the Lingua Christiana CD.

Starting next week, we’re moving up to , but since this is really for the older students, I’m starting out the little one on

and the accompanying CD:

I signed up for the two Minimus groups at Yahoo: Minimus2006 and MinimusHS and just found out today that the MinimusHS group offers the Teacher’s Resource Manual (with permission from Barbara Bell) in their files. So great news! I didn’t get the TRM and decided to just wing it (as we often do) but this is a really nice addition, and one we wouldn’t have to spend the $50+ for. So I thought I’d share…..

Oh, and Barbara Bell has the loveliest site here, with lots of fun stuff to do.

Looks like Minimus is actually more demanding than LC — unlike LC that only requires 10-20 new vocabulary words a week, Minimus requires more. The Minimus Teacher’s Manual also has lots of ideas for further exploration. LC does touch on ancient Rome too.