Anne over at Starry Mantle has tagged me with this fun meme, and since I have the tendency to put things off ’til the last minute, I’m trying to make a change right now and reply within 7 days! Thanks Anne! Here goes: (They really should rename these things Me-Me, because it’s usually about Me-Me-Me! :D)

Four facts/habits:

1. I read-read-read all day, if not a book, then on the computer. Not really a surprise to anyone who’s visited here, but I’m tempted now to track the number of hours I actually spend reading in a day. My guess is it’s a bit too much.
2. I am scared of bugs. Big ones, little ones. It may have to do with growing up in a tropical country and constantly seeing cockroaches and giant ants, etc. And then moving to the US where our homes are almost bug-free, most of the year anyway. Maybe I need to go back just to desensitize myself again.
3. My most recent habit is checking out any Colin Firth-related news. Isn’t that pathetic?
4. I have to have tea in the morning right after hubby leaves for work, around 5:30 am. Can’t remember exactly when this habit started but there it is. I never had a coffee habit though — but there was a hot chocolate period years and years ago….

Four new things in the last four years:
1. We moved back to Ohio! And I’m going to cheat here, as this probably should be listed in the next line, but that means, we also have a new garden, which I still haven’t figured out completely how to “fix”. Hence the new book on the sidebar.
2. We’ve renewed friendships and made new friends.
3. We joined Couples for Christ with the friends mentioned in #2.
4. I finished Book 14, following Jeff Cavins’ Great Adventure Guide! So now I’m back rereading from the beginning, but this time using the Navarre, which is also on the sidebar.