Poppy Seeds and Pod
Papaver somniferum. August 11.

Beautiful flowers in the garden, but short-lived (Georgia O’Keefe adored them, and I, her paintings). After the flowers are gone, these pods develop. Wait until they’re brown and dry, then harvest. They’re like mini-maracases at this point and my 3-yo loves to shake them. They’re also quite useful in dried arrangements.

Poppy seeds for muffins and other goodies! This is the same poppy from which opium comes. There are different cultivars — I grew Ziar, also called “breadseed poppy”. Depending on the cultivar, the seeds can range from white, to slate/blue like this one. If you plan to grow these, you gotta be careful if you’ve got nosy neighbors. I heard of this lady who absolutely loved poppies and grew hundreds of them in her yard. One day the police came knocking. Apparently, some suspicious neighbors reported her for possibly growing these for opium. I also found out that there are people who experience opium side effects when consuming large amounts of poppy seeds in baked goods. Be careful of those muffins!

If you’d like to learn more about poppies, check out this link.