B is feeling less pain and is down to taking the meds every 12 hours. I don’t know whether I should feel good that he feels well enough to travel next week or worried that he’s going to get stressed out again. The kids and I almost offered to go with him, but going to PA right after we get back could prove difficult.
The kids are all excited about the upcoming road trip and have been packing for days. I keep reminding them that the trip is still weeks away, but no one’s listening. The tour guides came yesterday; AAA limits publication requests to 6 (no idea why), so I’m ordering the maps tomorrow. We still need to make hotel reservations, but I know now we’re not staying at two of my cousins because — ack! — both of them (one in AZ, one in CA) have CATS!!! So we’re using hotel night rewards instead. The original plan was to camp, but Dad reminded us that with the 7-8 hours of driving every day, we might not have the energy to pitch a tent when we get to the campgrounds. Makes sense.
Cut the boys’ hair yesterday so they’re looking spiffy again. The study is still in quite of a disarray — argh — I think only (some) homeschooling moms will be able to relate to the three months’ recovery time from the holidays. I gotta get that room in order and have the PC fixed. But that will have to wait until after we get back, at which time I also promised Aisa she’d be getting her violin. She misses playing it so much. But at $700 apiece for an okay kind, it will have to be a rental for now.
We’ve been having several days in a row of great weather, though this afternoon was a bit windy and gray. Strolling/biking around the block put some much-needed color back on the kids’ cheeks.
We are so late with the seed-sowing!!! I better get all the pans started tomorrow or we won’t have anything edible this growing season.
Today the kids read this bird book
which they all loved. Oral narrations from everyone, including B who made up a story for Yena about why the frigatebird has that red sack in front. (It’s a fictionalized account and based on his own imagination, LOL — love it when he does that, even if it confuses the kids!)
Yena’s: I learned how flamingos can make the number “4” by crossing their legs.
The boys attended their scout pack meeting, and learned a lot from “The Bugman” who showed them lots of little critters, including one called the Assassin Bug.
Paco tied for first place at the uniform inspection and won a cub scout pen and a reminder band that says “Do Your Best”. Migi got 6 of his belt loops and a Reds coupon.
Aisa attended choir practice — she’s cantoring on Sunday.
Meanwhile, this has been bothering me all evening:
New Jersey Judge Orders Penal Charges Against Mom for Home-Schooling
Matt Bowman blogged about it here.
What the Hon. Zampino doesn’t seem to understand is that if all we wanted was “equivalent instruction”, we might as well NOT homeschool. Is it so hard to believe that the reason we don’t send our kids to public school is that we actually want MORE than what the public schools have to offer? And what’s that about protecting kids from predators? Have the public schools been successful with that one? I think not. Sending kids to school isn’t a guarantee of safety, we ALL know that. But as usual, those of us who are faithful to the call of educating our offspring are the ones who are expected to jump through hoops to prove that we are “safe” for our children.
Quote: Amo pisces. – Paco
Bedtime reading: and
– I still owe Migi some allergy-free hamantaschen.
Lunch: Ikan Kuning (Indonesian) Recipe to be posted soon at N&R.
Dinner: Leftover Naan shaped like a pizza and topped with rice-a-rella + “Bourbon” chicken (no bourbon), made with chicken breast so it was a little blah.
Update: Great news re HSing mom as Donna Marie shared at the forum:
I have just received a phone call from ________. I have been good friends with
her and her family for years. She has asked me to put out an e-mail to the
homeschoolers, because she is concerned about how her case has been represented
in the media.She appreciates all the prayers, and the support for her family. But, she
really wants everyone to know what a huge victory this is for her, and for all
homeschoolers.Basically, the judge was a liberal, but he gave her a complete win!!! As it
stands now, the judge has kicked the ball out of the courtroom, and left her in
a great position.Her estranged husband wanted the kids in public school, then she was given the
option to put them in a Catholic school. She declined both, and the judge had
the power to force her hand, but as it stands now, she can continue to
homeschool without any interference whatsoever from the schools.She was prepared to submit the kids to portfolios, and yearly testing etc..if
she had to, to continue homeschooling, but the reality is that she can continue
as she was, with no supervision from the courts. She is aware that
homeschoolers are always looking out for each other, and for any new laws,
regarding our rights, and basically she just wanted everyone to know what a
great triumph this was, and how none of us would get that by reading the
articles floating around.Anyway, I told her I would put this out there to reassure everyone, and I am
sure that we are all grateful, and relieved for this beautiful family.”
Thank you Lord.
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