I’ve been on a 40-day fast from Facebook, until July 29. Now I’m considering extending the fast to other online activities. I’m starting to get depressed seeing all the hatred and vitriol on the ‘net directed against Christ and His Church. Heartbreaking stuff. Sniff. I know anger isn’t the answer. And I’m increasingly getting upset and frustrated…. and yes, angry. So I’m taking a break. At least a week. Maybe 40 days. I need to get back to more prayer and less reading, esp. of current events. Sigh.
Yeah, yeah. A Catholic’s gotta do what a Catholic’s gotta do. I’d like to invite all of you to pray with me… for all who do not know Christ, for all who do not understand and choose to hate anyway, for all of us who are trying to fight the good fight, for all of us to be able to respond in love and charity, no matter what.
‘Bye for a bit.
PLEASE, PRAY FOR KATARINA AND HER NEBOJSA, their COMPLETE RECONCILIATION, conversation, agreement about THEIR FUTURE AND MARRIAGE –That they continue conversation about MARRIAGE AND BRING IT TO FULFILLING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – Prayer can influence and FORMING THINGS –That God WORK ON HIM to understand THAT FEELINGS ARE NOT TO RUN FROM THEM, but built a future and life -AND PUT HIS EFFORT AND STRENGTH IN THAT – he said, and knows what he promised – so that they continue those conversations – and FOR MARRIAGE to happen during the year Thank you in advanceGOD BLESS YOU!
Sister from Belgrade