Image: Hans-Peter Gauster

Just doing some research here while I wait for test results….


To Biopsy Or Not To Biopsy

Castor Oil:

Still trying to find a more authoritative source than the ones I’ve found.


Curcumin Complex from SBN Started November 22 2 caps daily, on T2H’s recommendation.

Essiac: Nope.


*Flax Seeds:

Dietary Flaxseed Alters Tumor Biological Markers in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer

need to read up more on this. getting conflicting info.

Gerson Therapy: Nope.

Gerson Therapy Intro: Nope.

*Green Smoothies:

I’ve been doing this off and on for a while now, so just upping my intake. My favorite is kale/spinach/chard + coconut water + coconut butter + lemon + kiwi + banana and/or avocado, topped with a combo of matcha, cocoa nibs, cranberries or other berries, cinnamon, a bit of honey. I have other favorite green smoothie recipes that I’ll post sometime soon. Worst I’ve ever tried: arugula. Blecch.

*Green Tea:

From the Susan Komen website.

Green tea compounds in breast cancer prevention and treatment


Hyperthermia at Cleveland Clinic


Iodine treats breast cancer and more, overwhelming evidence

need to read more.


Basic juicing recipe: carrots, celery, cucumber, apple, ginger, lemon. Trying this out since it’s doable, need to do more research on juicing benefits (I’ve had a juicer for years but use it only sporadically).

Juicing for Cancer

*Lymphatic Massage:

Manual Lymphatic Drainage from BreastCancer.Org

Lymphatic Breast Massage from

Oncology Massage

Risk of breast cancer recurrence in patients receiving manual lymphatic drainage: a hospital-based cohort study

Healing Breast Massage


Moringa oleifera as an Anti-Cancer Agent against Breast and Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines

Anticancer Effect of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract in Human Cancer Cell Lines

Moringa oleifera Root Induces Cancer Apoptosis more Effectively than Leave Nanocomposites and Its Free Counterpart

Moringa oleifera from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Photo- and Sono-Dynamic Therapy:

Photo- and Sono-Dynamic Therapy: A Review of Mechanisms and Considerations for Pharmacological Agents Used in Therapy Incorporating Light and Sound.

Platinum Salts:

Platinum salts in advanced breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. (I don’t understand this at all.)

Precision Medicine:

Precision Medicine and Immunotherapy for Cancer: What to Know


Lactobacillus (from the Susan G. Komen website)

Emerging Roles of Probiotics in Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer: A Comprehensive Review of Their Therapeutic Potential. – Basically, “more studies needed”.

Potential effect of probiotics in the treatment of breast cancer

The application of probiotics in cancer


Updates in the Treatment of Breast Cancer with Radiotherapy.


Margery’s Smoothies, from

Green Smoothie from Breast Cancer Conqueror


Soy and Cancer Risk: Our Expert’s Advice (from American Cancer Society)


I like golden milk but don’t have it often because I find it too rich, but maybe I’ll make it every few days now.

Vitamin C, High-Dose:

High Dose Vitamin C, from

Vitamin D: Probably not a good thing.

A Word of Caution When Prescribing High-Dose Vitamin D

Safety of 50,000-100,000 Units of Vitamin D3/Week in Vitamin D-Deficient, Hypercholesterolemic Patients with Reversible Statin Intolerance

Steroid Hormone Vitamin D

Science behind Pathogenesis

Forms and structure of vitamin D

General/Miscellaneous Information:

What you Can Do To Create Breast Health (from Breast Health Project)

National Cancer Institute

Anti-breast Cancer Agents Derived from Plants

Implications of Phytoestrogen Intake for Breast Cancer (read to understand more about soy and flaxseed)

Alternative Therapies for Breast Cancer

Dana Farber Cancer Institute

Discussion on the Estrogen Dominance Group

Boy, try sorting through all this. Mind-boggling.

Breast Surgeon With Breast Cancer (Liz O’Riordan)

FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered

More Women Self-Treating Breast Cancer – Both sad and hopeful to read.

Breast Cancer Conqueror

Elements in Brenda’s Protocol

More questions than answers: the new normal.

Researching all these things is overwhelming. So when I get to a point when I’ve had enough, I’m done for the day (this post was put together over several days). Like with most things there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I’m in an integrative group now where the women are doing both traditional treatments + alternative treatments. There are WAAAAY too many things out there that people are trying and it’s extremely difficult to sort out which ones are worth trying and which ones are most definitely woo. On one thread the women agreed that a lot of it is “cr*pshoot”. The list of things one can try is endless, and there seems to be no consensus for most of them — everything, from both traditional and alternative protocols, has its own proponents/detractors. I can see how one can easily feel powerless and helpless and totally out of control.

I’m falling back on my philosophy of — try what seems reasonable and doable, don’t get fanatic about it, leave the rest in God’s hands.