Season pork belly (cut however way you want — cubes, slices, big chunks) with salt, pepper, a teeny bit of vinegar, and garlic powder. Bake/roast in 375F degree oven, turning frequently and discarding fat rendered (or save it for another use) until cooked through and crunchy all over. Drain on paper towels, or a rack. You can also, if you like, bake on a rack set on a parchment lined sheet so the fat just drains right off.

Serve in a toasted bun with pan-fried (or roasted — which is how I did mine) sweet potatoes, pickled red onion, and garlic-pepper-mayo.

To make Pickled Red Onion: sliced red onion + lemon juice + lime juice + salt + cilantro + hot pepper if desired

To make Aji Amarillo Sauce cheater’s style: mayonnaise + pureed hot yellow-orange pepper + garlic + lime juice + salt to taste + olive oil

Roasted Sweet Potatoes = sweet potatoes sliced 1/4 inch thin + a bit of olive oil + salt and pepper. 350F degree oven, parchment lined baking sheet, ~15 minutes.

Cheater’s Chicharron if you don’t want to go to all that trouble with the pork belly: use bacon and store-bought chicharrones. 😃

For more on St. Turibius:


Want low-carb? Omit the bun and sweet potatoes. Toss some avocado cubes and lettuce with the aji amarillo sauce and everything else and eat it as a salad. 🙂