In a large bowl, combine
1 teaspoon instant or active dry yeast
1 cup whole wheat flour (or if wanting gluten-free, King Arthur’s Measure for Measure)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
2 cups water
Stir well and cover loosely with a kitchen towel or other non-airtight cover and leave overnight.
The next day, or when ready to cook, whisk it up again and cook on a preheated, lightly oiled/sprayed skillet (love my cast iron for this, or you can use a crepe pan), about 1/3 cup at a time, tilting pan to spread as thinly as possible. Cook on medium heat, until bubbles form on top, 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. Flip and cook on the other side until done. Remove to a platter and keep warm while you cook the rest of the batter. Serve immediately. These can be frozen and reheated but I really prefer them freshly made.
Lovely with a spicy veggie stew or soup, used as a wrap for some greens, for a meatless quesadilla with some cheese and refried beans and salsa and guacamole (use any or all), or spread with butter and sprinkled with some cinnamon-sugar.
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