In yet another attempt to deflect attention from the gruesome reality of the abortion business and the sale of baby parts, liberal pro-aborts trotted out the stale, calumnious argument about pro-lifers caring only for babies before they’re born and not after. And no surprise, but it’s once again dissident Joan Chittister as the chosen “Catholic” mouthpiece.
Do these people live in an alternate reality world that’s only known to them? Are Joan Chittister and her liberal followers so isolated from everything that’s going on, that they’ve never encountered anyone other than one-dimensional pro-lifers? I’ve only ever known pro-lifers who fight not only for the fundamental right to life, but for everything else that comes after birth. Pro-lifers have never claimed “either/or”, we’ve always said “both/and”, and we’ve backed that up with ACTION.
Not only do pro-lifers pray at the abortuaries, they also fight hunger, foster-care and adopt, work on rebuilding an authentic marriage and family culture, promote chastity, fight pornography, educate women on their fertility, help those with genetic disabilities, raise boys to be men who provide for and protect and defend family, basically practice the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy almost 24/7/365, in their own homes, their workplaces, and in society, INCLUDING the abortion mills. To claim that they’re one-trick ponies is incredibly myopic and false.
Our pregnancy centers don’t just focus on preventing abortions, they provide counseling, formula, diapers, just to name a few, and even financial help.
My Facebook feed alone on any given day is filled with pleas for donations to this and that cause, usually families going through hardships, parents needing help with their children’s medical bills, missionaries in other countries asking for help with funds for books or maternity clothing or shelter. AND PEOPLE HELP.
Joan Chittister’s major beef with Republicans and pro-lifers — lumped together as one homogeneous group in their minds — seems to be our refusal to advance the welfare state. But if she were a faithful Catholic she would pay more attention to Catholic social doctrine which teaches the principle of subsidiarity.
These demagogues conveniently ignore the fact that conservatives give more than liberals. George Will wrote that article in 2008 and liberal Nicholas Kristof agreed. The January 2015 updated report from non-religious again found that conservatives give more than liberals, and further, that poorer conservatives were more generous than wealthy liberals. Imagine that!
Why is baby butchery seen as life-saving? Have they never heard of Servant of God Dorothy Day, who founded the Catholic Worker movement, and who got an abortion herself but became pro-life afterwards? How can they forget Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, who was unequivocally pro-life and was 100% committed to helping the poor? The amicus brief she filed in 1994 says it all.
I wonder what Joan Chittister has to say to survivors of abortion and those who were conceived in rape. Has she ever talked to Rebecca Kiessling, Melissa Ohden, and Gianna Jessen? Would she tell them they’re better off dead?
What would she have to say to women like Georgette Forney and Theresa Bonopartis? They shouldn’t regret their abortion? These women have more than earned their right to speak against abortion and in defense of life.
And what about the women and men who considered abortion but are grateful that they chose life instead? Are we supposed to pretend their voices don’t matter?
I am not saying at all that problems don’t still exist. I just don’t agree with the solutions put forward by Joan Chittister and company. I’d like to think that our society is generous enough and intelligent enough to think of real solutions instead, like Good Counsel Homes and Leah Jacobson’s Guiding Star Project. It’s about time women’s health truly became about healing and helping, not killing or baby parts trafficking.
Related links:
The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
“Pro-lifers love the fetus, but they don’t care about people after they’re born!”
The Lazy Slander of the Pro-Life Cause
A Reckless and Unjust Accusation
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