So many things to be thankful for today:

1. the sun shining through our windows… beautiful day!!!
2. a baby being loud beside me, trying different consonants and vowels (current favorites: b, m, h, y)
3. kids who love to read
4. student home from college for a few more days
5. extended family members who love me/us unconditionally
6. friends who truly care
7. my Catholic homeschooling mom support system
8. food in the fridge, pantry, freezer
9. cars that run
10. clarity of mind
11. doctors who still practice real medicine (what my physician godmother calls “the art of medicine”)
12. classical music
13. my kids’ music
14. fall weather! (sunny but a bit chilly — my favorite kind!)
15. wool blankets
16. daughters who like working in the kitchen
17. funny picture books!
18. forgiveness
19. several loads of laundry already done — a couple more to do today
20. that feeling of accomplishment
21. organizations that help us/teach us how to give
22. the Blessed Sacrament
23. opportunity to spend time with Him in Adoration
24. faithful priests like Fr. Euteneuer, speaking tonight
25. Rooibos tea
26. a faithful God who’s always beside me
27. a faithful husband who’s always beside me
28. His saints, examples of lives well-lived
29. Dave Ramsey
30. Tim Hawkins