That’s really a misnomer. It’s not “after Christmas” yet! Christmas is a SEASON, not just one day. We’ve replaced our Advent candles with our lone Christ candle, in white, with the Chi Rho etched on it (next year I’ll try to make it nicer and drip melted red wax into the symbol and hopefully have a pic).

Today, Dad’s taken our oldest boy to the office with him. He’s got a bunch of vacation days left but he wants to get some reorganizing done before the rest of his colleagues come back from Christmas break. This way he gets peace and quiet, and some daddy-son bonding as well.

The rest of us are going to be SHOPPING. Hah! That sounds so anti-me, but the kids do have some things that they need and I have a couple of coupons that need to be used before 12/31. Plus a couple more gifts to deliver, and a couple of gifts to ship. That’s a lot of “couples” 😀 .

Speaking of which…. new year, new household, new role at CFC-FFL. Exciting! Today, I also found an older girls’ group that I need to pray about and discern — Fiat — because I’d love to have one at our parish. I wish I had found out about it when Aisa was younger 🙁 … now she’s gearing up for college and it might be difficult to fit this into her ever-burgeoning schedule. But last night during prayer time I once again heard the call to recommit myself/ourselves to SERVICE. This year we hardly did any volunteer work, and that’s really disappointing, since at the beginning of 2007 that was one of our resolutions as a family. It’s so difficult to find volunteer opportunities that call for FAMILIES to come and help. Perhaps we should be looking at other ways to help out instead of the sites I check from time to time like iVolunteer and VolunteerMatch. And a Fiat group might want to do things together, but of course it will take a while to get it started….

Now that I think about it I shouldn’t be titling this After Christmas sales because I’ve now looked at all my favorite stores’ ads online and there isn’t much I want to shop for at these places. I began the post thinking I’d tell you all about the great deals I found but none of them interest ME, so now I don’t want to blog about them — funny how that works. I’ll just give you links then, in case YOU’RE looking:

Tuesday Morning
Cost Plus World Market

I did already place an order at House of Fontanini for a few additions to our Nativity set. They were discounted and shipping was free!! Yay!

And I’ll be shopping for my dearest mom, who’s 73 today!! Happy Birthday, Mommy!! Let’s hope I find her something really special. She’s off work so she won’t see this:)