What happened to my King Arthur flour? In the past 2 weeks I’ve been to 4 different stores in the Cincinnati area — NO KING ARTHUR FLOUR. At first I thought, did they discontinue the AP line? Are they sticking with artisan/organic now? (Not that I object. It would just be nice to know.) But I did check the KA site and it’s still there!
Or maybe the baking population in Cincinnati has doubled or tripled, and everyone’s making cookies. In the 10+ years I’ve used KA, this is the FIRST time this has happened. I don’t want to have to go back to mail-ordering it… Please don’t tell me I have to use (gasp!) Gold Medal or Pillsbury 🙁 .
Update: DH found some at Meijer! Hooray!!!
hmm, never heard of king arthurs flour:) of course, we don’t get those things in borrrrrring old canada!
like, we don’t have game shows…. we don’t have CNN… we have 2 national netowrks, CTV and CBC.. we have the highest cell phone rates in the world….
WE SUCK! were backwards! one good thing, we don’t live in igloos!!!!!!
Hi Stef! I got mine from Trader Joe’s.