Attended tonight Yena’s first Little Flowers Girls Club meeting. Our LFGC leader G was just awesome. She was wonderful with all the kids. They made Little Flowers bags, read aloud a book on Faith (the virtue we’re studying this month), had a mustard-seed hunt (Matthew 17:20), learned about St. Catherine of Siena, and said a decade of the Rosary together. I’m already loving it, and wish we had this for all of the kids. I’m thinking of doing the Blue Knights program with the boys, even if it’s just us at home, since they’re already busy with Scouting.

And then I got home and while the kids were playing at the PC, I got to chat with my old friend B whom I’ve missed so much — we’ve lost touch through the years and I’m so happy we’re finally in touch again.

Thank you, Lord, for blessings.

Bulb day tomorrow. Garlic, Dutch iris, Narcissus, Princess Victoria (for Yena, whose full name is Yelena Victoria) tulips, Anemones, Tiger Lilies and my favorite Sarah Bernhardt peony (one of whom I left behind in our previous home in PA) are all going in the ground. It will be a busy, sweaty day. Maybe I’ll start the fall crop of greens too, if I find the time.

I better get the kids for bed. Paco’s working on a “composition” on the piano and Dad’s already sleeping.