Dh has been told not to go up and down the stairs (yet). So he’s been relegated to the second floor ever since he came from the hospital. We bring everything upstairs and have lunch and dinner with him. And some lessons too, while he naps. The rest of the day he checks his e-mail, but he’s not allowed to “work officially” so all he’s doing is catching up. He’s decluttered the desk upstairs of papers, etc. If I didn’t catch him he would have started on the master bedroom closet as well. (These are his papers, the ones I wouldn’t know what to do with 😀 .) But even all that isn’t enough to occupy him, so what’s he doing? Watching videos like these:

You have to understand. Hubby is NOT a movie/TV person at all. Well, he could be, but he honestly doesn’t have time. The only times he gets to watch anything is on business trips on the plane, or in his lonely hotel room when traveling. So it’s so funny to watch him so engrossed at his laptop. And especially since, when *I’m* the one You-Tube-ing, this is what I usually watch:

We are such different beings when it comes to our viewing preferences. 😀