What does Tae Kwon Do, faith and food have in common? The answer: Fr. Leo Patalinghug!

My good friend Angie posted at the 4real forums about a new show on PBS — and we can’t wait! For many, many reasons….

Fr. Leo is a priest from the Archdiocese of Baltimore. He’s also a martial artist, and therefore a great role model for my martial artist family members. But now there’s an even bigger reason we’re excited about this show — he’s going to be COOKING! I wish we had him nearby. My kids would probably want to be around him all the time.

I met Fr. Leo in 2003 when I attended the NACHE conference. He gave a talk about teens and spiritual warfare. I spoke with him after his talk and he mentioned that his brother is a homeschooling dad who also runs a martial arts school. They say the “Our Father” at their classes — needless to say, very different from any of the martial arts schools I’ve been to, certainly different from the school my kids attend(ed). I wanted my dh (who got his black belt the same time as our 11-yo) and our kids to meet him that day, but he had a previous appointment he had to get to and was hurrying to get out.

Imagine our surprise, and delight, when we ran into Fr. Leo and his parents in Orvieto, Italy, a few months later. We had a nice chat with his parents while dining al fresco and the kids were running around the cathedral.

DH and I have been telling the kids that if they do put up their own martial arts school one day that they should also pray at every class. (And we’re also hoping that at least one of the boys will want to be a priest, but of course that’s up to Him.)

At any rate, the PBS show is called “Grace Before Meals”, and the website is here. Fr. Leo’s blog is here.

More about Fr. Leo:

An article about “Revive” — goosebump-inducing.

This Priest is Cookin’… Really from Cosmos-Liturgy-Sex

From last year: A post from Amy Welborn, and another from Love2Learn Mom. How come I’m only hearing about this show now???

More from the producer.

Wanna see Fr. Leo in action? Check out the pic here and here. As my 11-yo says, “He’s my kind of guy!”

We need this show here! I think it’s time to contact our local PBS station. I don’t want to miss any episodes. Especially if Fr. Leo happens to cook Pinoy food….

I just found this article about Fr. Leo’s dad whom we met in Italy also. I love the part about the kids wearing scapulars.