The past 3 weeks were used to organize all the kids’ papers from years past. This is so much easier done at the end of the year, but we have moved so much that this is the first time in 4 years I’ve actually been able to sit down at the end of the year and sort and put everything in binders (with the kids’ help!). You know what I found? I used to handwrite every single copywork sheet for my children. I never realized how much I did that until I saw the piles….there must have been at least a few hundred in them.

Not anymore. This year, I finally broke down and got

and have been using it since the last few weeks of the schoolyear. This software is amazing. I just type whatever vocabulary words or phrases, poetry, saint quotes, etc. I want them to use to practice handwriting or spelling, or for memorization, and press PRINT. I can even add saint pictures, or images to color. I love it, and daresay it’s worth every penny.