We’ve been trying to go to Mass daily … again. Started doing it when I was pregnant with Yena — 5 years ago. Every year we try again, and fail, after a few weeks, sometimes a few days. Or maybe fail is not the word, since this is not a contest or a goal. It’s an offering of ourselves, but it’s also a reception of grace. And boy do we need grace! Yesterday, I got up at 4 am, fell asleep again at 6 and JUST. COULD. NOT. GET. UP. at 7:30 to get ourselves up in time for Mass. So we missed it. Argh. By 10 am we were feeling the effects.

Me, after Latin lessons and too much bickering/misbehavior: We’re all cranky this morning, aren’t we?
Paco and Migi: That’s because we missed Mass.
Yena: We better go again tomorrow.

Yeah. We better.