I must have sowed something like 500 seeds today, in a 4×4 plot LOL. These are older seeds from trades in past years, and seeds that I meant to wintersow and never got around to… then the vacation in early April, so starting late, and directly in the ground, which I haven’t had much success with before, but what the hey…. with a 10% germination rate, that would still be 50 plants. Some of them probably would kill each other vying for nutrients in that tiny area, but we’ll take what we can get.

Just to keep track of what’s there, in case they do sprout and I need to see what they are (LOL, no, I didn’t reallly have a plan, nor did I draw it out this time) — how uncharacteristic, for spreadsheet- and graph-crazy me!:

Chrysanthemum Eastern Star from Mr. Fothergill’s (2005)
Centaurea Cyanus ‘Jubilee Gem’ (blue) — I grew these, and they were BEAUTIFUL — in 2004.
Gomphrena Globosa
Scabiosa ‘Ace of Spades’ – this was from a trade that I never used.
Galliardia / Blanket Flower – from 3 different trades in ’04 — still have a bunch leftover for next year, in case this doesn’t take.
Zinnia Cherry Profusion (2004) – from 2 different trades
Petunia multiflora mixed colors – from The Butchart Gardens
Helianthus annuus — one of Paco’s sowed seeds (before we left) has sprouted, and has two true leaves right now…. might as well plant this in the same general area as the others tomorrow. It will have at least 5 for company, if they all germinate.
Matthiola incana (Stock) – dwarf “Ten Weeks” — a failure 2 years ago — let’s see what it does this year.
Silene armeria — I grew this in 2004 but we left before I could gather seeds, so I hope this lives so we can enjoy it again.
Cosmos bipinnatus — I’m taking a big chance sowing this there, as the one plant that was successful in ’04 grew SO big and flopped over one stormy day — but ooh, what lovely flowers and leaves!
Cleome spinosa — another trade that I meant to sow but never got to.
Ipomoea purpurea — hope I recognize this if/when it sprouts so I can stake it in time!
Papaver Rhoeas Shirley Double from the Butchart Gardens — not my Ziar breadseed, those will wait ’til next year.
Delphinium ajacis — another one “postponed”
Alcea Rosea Indian Spring – another one that will need staking! Out of 10 that I sowed in ’04, only 3 made it, and 2 were puny little things — but the one that grew — WOW!
celosia wine — another failure in ’04.
Gloriosa daisy — from one of the most generous GWers I ever traded with
Maverick violet geranium — I’ve got some geraniums in the back, but thought I’d try this one again — from 2005
Coreopsis Tinctoria Tall
Lots of French marigolds — Tagetes patula — can never have enough of these!
Rudbeckia Becky — sometimes I hate them, sometimes I love them, but this is one year I’d like to have them again!
Yena’s Lupines — the ones she wintersowed died from lack of attention when we went out of town (sob), I’d love to see the smile on her face if they do grow! (She specifically requested these after reading Miss Rumphius!)