Started out early with B’s oatmeal so he can take his medication at 6. Woke up the kids around 8 so we can get started. We talked about the schedule for the day, but changed a few things later on because I needed to take Dad to the dr.

Great news though. Healing nicely and looking much better, swelling has gone down quite a bit, and he says the pain is tolerable. I credit all the wonderful prayers from people — it’s awesome the power that prayer can do. I am almost embarrassed to say that if people saw him now, they’d think I didn’t know what I was talking about when I said it was going to go on for a good 14-21 days. That’s what the medical references say, but God is infinitely more powerful! More blessings — inner ear and eye don’t seem to be affected at all. But he still got a good nagging from me (after the gentle nagging from dr.) to relax on the work stuff. Hope he hears the message this time. It’s not that I’m blaming him, but in his goodness he has unfortunately neglected himself and his own body, which can’t be a good thing. Though I know he doesn’t need reminding, I mention again that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we should take care of ourselves — a lecture I myself need to hear from time to time. Poor guy. I just feel for him so! And wish I could bear some of his pain for him.

The kids were awesome today. We did Latin first thing after breakfast and they loved learning the meanings of Capricorn, Sagitarrius, etc. I had no idea those were Latin! Learned a new phrase — Quo Vadis? The Gospel explanation (Peter asking Jesus where He was going) gave me the chills. There was always something about those words that touched me but I never knew why. We are on Lesson XVIII, progressing nicely!

This afternoon we tried playing badminton (I had promised the kids we were going to go play badminton or garden everyday now), but the wind was too strong, so we stopped and started digging in the yard instead for the herb/flower/vegetable garden. The kids are so enthusiastic about helping! And I am so grateful. We had some funny conversations about the neighbors thinking we’re violent people if they had heard Paco saying “die, die, die” while digging in the yard.

Then Yena woke up from her nap and was cranky and wanted to go around the block, but by that time the biggers were done and her training wheels weren’t functioning properly so she had to settle for helping me shape naan for dinner. That kept her occupied for a good 30 minutes. I also made the Sherwa that Migi requested — the naan goes with it. Oh, earlier in the day, Aisa finished up the chicken for lunch — an Afghan chicken and mushroom stew to go with our Afghanistan studies. So far everything we’ve tried from the Afghan cookbook has been excellent. B said the Sherwa reminds him of Filipino putsero. But my favorite is still the mint chutney (like a really garlicky tzatziki). That stuff is wonderful.

After dinner I wintersowed with the two littles who have been waiting to do this forever. We are starting quite late — 3 months! — but hey, it’s still winter officially so I can still call it winter-sowing right? What we sowed tonight:

agastache foeniculum (anise hyssop)
apium graveolens (Afina Cutting Celery)
brassica rapa chinensis (Pak Choi white stem)
abelmoschus esculentus Red Velvet okra
anethum graveolens – dill
capsicum annum – Papri paprika (from my own homegrown seed!)
allium cepa Borrettana Cipollini onion — leftover seed from ’04 — I loved these little flat onions, but I didn’t plant enough that year, so I had Yena sow a whole bunch of seeds this time — will need to resow several times to get enough for the season though.
cucurbita maxima acorn squash
brassica rapa – broccoli raab
coriandrum sativum – coriander — this isn’t slow-bolting so I’ll have to resow mid-season, or maybe twice or three times more…. but the seeds are my own homegrown too.
cucumis melo – cantaloupe — from a trade, no idea what kind of cantaloupe and don’t care — the kids love any cantaloupe.

Had a few things left undone on the to-do list though… but they can wait ’til tomorrow.