Week 1, Day 1:
Read Introduction Famous Men of Greece
Make a relief map of Greece and Crete.
Start vocabulary list.
Define “myth” and “legend”.
Do Crossword Puzzle in Greenleaf Guide to FMofG.
Do the Matching Game on page 12.
Week 1, Day 2:
Read Chapter 1, Famous Men of Greece
Selections from (Deucalion, Cyclops, Apollo, Athena, Pegasus) – This has been an overwhelming favorite in the family for years.
General Resources:
History Links: Unit Studies for Catholic Families: Unit Six—-Ancient Greece
Famous Men of Greece along with The Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Greece
Ancient Greece TimeChart from All Catholic Books
Olivia Coolidge – The Golden Days of Greece (Paco really liked reading this book and retained a lot of info — I did a short oral quiz and it’s amazing how much he remembers. He doesn’t think Alexander was all that great though:D)
Greek Life by John Guy
History in Stone – Ancient Greece (not a hit)
World History: The Greeks (Usborne) – “boring” (I disagree but this is what the boys thought)
Stories from Herodotus: A Panorama of Events and Peoples of the Ancient World
Other DVD Selections from Amazon
Adoremus Books has a student and teacher guide from Cheryl Lowe for D’Aulaire’s Greek Myths — still deciding on these.
Homer, Odysseus, The Trojan War (1250 BC):
Math and Science:
String, Straightedge
Ancient Greece Photo Activity Cards from EduPress
Online Resources:
from City Youth
19th Century Photography of Ancient Greece
The Ancient City of Athens
Ancient Greek Sites
The British Museum – Greece
The History of Greek Costume
For youngers:
For olders:
Science in Ancient Greece – Kathlyn Gay
Music of the Ancient Greeks
Melpomen: Ancient Greek Music
Music of the Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks
theseus and the minotaur
the trojan horse – hutton
the man who counted by malba tahan
Snake Hair: The Story of Medusa by Stephanie Spinner
Fun Reads:
Famous Men of Greece (History for the Thoughtful Child) (recommended for middle school and up, but my 10-year old preferred Olivia Coolidge’s book)
Historical Fiction:
Jill Paton Walsh’s Children of the Fox (set during the Persian Wars) — excellent for middle school
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