Image: Lee 琴

maybe LJ is strictly for ramblings and musings of the shallowest sort. not to offend faithful LJers but for me, this is as good as talking to myself when washing the dishes or when cooking. no real direction, some occasional insights, and too often a whole lot of trash… but hopefully may prove useful at some point.

finally uploaded and sooo glad i found register4less. now, if i could just think up a clever design for FG. i’m all out of ideas. need to refresh and look at kaffe fassett books:-D.

i guess i’ve always thought of my websites as my journals, except that i feel i can’t really post my deepest musings here, since this is a public venue. of course, i could use the “private” option, but then, would i ever really open up my “private posts” to read it on the ‘net? how different is that from just jotting things down in my private journal here at home? not to mention i like the feel of paper and the ink flowing from the pen in my hand….

so excited about house-plan-hunting this pm!!! there are two other sites just near us. i am *NOT*, however, excited about the prospect of living so far away from the city… there’s an appeal to it but i’m afraid of committing and then finding out that the excitement doesn’t last. but kim’s post said it all — Bloom Where You Are Planted. i guess i don’t have that much to complain about. it’s not like i/we want to go out every night and party. i’d much rather spend time with the kids and read books and go exploring out in nature, or at least i tell myself that’s what i would like — ideally i should like the “nature” part, but i guess i’ve never been much of an outdoors person, which is a shame. the kids could learn so much more if i were well-versed in science.

and i’m so excited though about a real, honest-to-goodness atrium/library in our home. already i can picture the sunlight streaming in, the kids with their noses in their books, Vivaldi playing in the background, tea and scones on the table….

can’t wait.