Image: Unsplash | Christine Hume

well, not really. just moved ALL, as in ***ALL*** my documents into c:\my documents folder. that helps A LOT!!! now if i can only figure out how to delete the users on this pc. shouldn’t have done that profiles/users thing at all. all it did was take up more space. ARGH! if/when i get a laptop NO ONE is going to use it but me. hehehehhh…..

working on the msaana website again. actually thinking of getting a domain just to get serious about it. who knows…. don’t have to decide now. gotta finish the 84 site first and see how it goes. interesting about the rounded corners on tables though. thought it was going to be some complicated process — but why don’t these people just use a rounded corner image for their cell background???? more that one way to skin a cat! or perhaps i’m being the naive one and their way is the simplest way? we shall see….