found a Town and Country here (and same color as our van in the US!) — an Italian version, approx. the same size as the Fiat Ulysse we’re renting, thought that was pretty funny — this was taken at the apt. complex where our condo is – March 10

Nino’s smile – March 11

Yena and Nino – March 12

roast broccoli – March 13


Toss broccoli florets (as dry as possible)
and sliced-up stems
with olive oil,
salt and freshly ground black pepper,
a large pinch of red pepper flakes,
the zest and the juice from one lemon.

Spread in one layer on a baking sheet, and roast at 425 degrees F for 20-25 minutes until just beginning to crisp on the edges.
Finish off with shavings of Parmigiano-Reggiano, Pecorino, or Grana Padano.

the family minus Aisa, hotel balcony before we moved to the condo – March 14

Aisa practicing her violin which she opted to bring instead of her guitar — view from her room and balcony – March 16

Pork belly, from locally raised “mountain pigs”, marinated in balsamic vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper — I would have grilled this had we a grill, had to pan-fry it… but no complaints! – March 16

Aisa and Nino, March 17

Look at that hair! Nino after his bath – March 17